Thursday, May 24, 2007

Stuff you probably need to know ...

Before we rush into Blogging we need to consider a number of things; blog etiquette, privacy and security being perhaps the most important. Wordpress provides a safer format enabling you to control who views the blog. It is however a little more complex to learn.

The W.A Department of Education has an excellent site with great articles.

Two great videos, very apt for the message we are pushing are "When I become a teacher" , Marco Torres showed this video and I noticed quite a few Educators were at his session on the 15th May, you can view this on the templestowecluster blog. I will upload it directly soon. "Shifthappens" is another video well worth a look, Although Youtube is blocked in schools, are you aware you can access teachertube !!!
Did you know you can personalise and edit youtube videos through mojiti. !!

I like this site on blog etiquette.

Many educators are now sharing ideas and even lesson plans via their blogs, I have attached two such links to "other Blogs we read" - Joseph at Computers & 21C Eduk8n, and Jo Mcleay "The Open Classroom" are well worth a read.

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